Monday, July 31, 2017

Ottawa again!

We never expected to be in Ontario for this long! Here we are over a month later and still in Ontario for La Machines performance in Ottawa! We took our time getting here spending a day in Algonquin Park and checking out the Logging Museum on our way out. The museum was set up along an outdoor trail and was very well done and included buildings, boats, machinery and even a train engine. I enjoyed almost all of it and was only disappointed when towards the end a display pointed out the current logging situation in Algonquin. It seems that making money comes first whether it be through logging or making tourists happy but that environmental protection is last on their list. Don't get me wrong, we have been in many provincial parks this year and have enjoyed them all but one of the things that I have kept mentioning to Michael is how outdated and unfriendly to the environment most of the facilities have been within the parks. I've also noticed how few educational displays are about sustainability and/or leave no trace policies. There are so many environmentally friendly options out there now for toilets! Why aren't our Provincial parks using them? Why aren't they educating the public about these options and encouraging a more sustainable way of life? Don't tell me it's about money because I just read a display that claims logging is a $60 million industry in Algonquin Park and that's on top of the tourist dollars. There is enough money to switch out bad sanitation practices for good environmentally friendly ones that could be teaching the general public about better options. Anyway, end of rant! We spent a night in Renfrew before heading to the Quebec side of the river to head toward Ottawa. It's much more peaceful and serene on the Quebec side and there is Gatineau Park! Since we are in Quebec we stopped to visit Chris first and ended up skipping the La Machine performance the first day. There's always tomorrow! Good night World!