
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tiny House Dreams

Becca’s van is finished and she is off adventuring now. I would have liked to share a few of the finished pictures of her van or the ordeals that came up while building it but am waiting for her to share it with the world. She has set up an Instagram account if you would like to follow her journey it‘s here: 


With that project finished and Chris’s restaurant open for business it’s time for the next project. Michael has wanted a piece of land for awhile now and we have spent any free time we have had this year going and looking at property all over Ontario. We finally found a gorgeous property with a few outbuildings already on it near Mattawa. There’s a well and a septic system already on the property and a beautiful creek runs through it!  There’s a ton of work to be done but the largest of the outbuildings will end up being our tiny house!

There are lots of hiking trails in the area, the Ottawa River is only a few kilometres away and even Algonquin Provincial Park is within walking distance (well walking distance for hikers at 19km). I’m can’t wait to explore the surrounding area and already have my first hike planned out! 

We had looked at this property earlier in the summer and had planned on being able to get some work done this year but there were delays and  the snow is already here. The reality is that most of the jobs we want to do need to be done is warmer weather. Other than a few weekend trips between now and Christmas we will likely leave everything as it is until spring and manage to get an adventure in this winter before the work begins.

This is what the inside looks like right now.

Hopefully by next summer this place will be transformed to our new home. Michael thinks he needs to landscape

But I think it’s perfect just the way it is! There are trees and trails, a creek and a big forest behind us!

The bus looks bigger than the cabin but it’s just an illusion. The cabin is just under 300 square feet (144sqft per floor) while the bus is only 80sqft.  It may seem small to you but after living on a short bus this will seem huge to us! 


  1. Plot twist.. the cabin is half the size of the bus and you’re stuck with Michael in there! ��

  2. I like it when a plan comes together. Good to see/hear/read you have been able to find your next place. Peace.
