Saturday, August 30, 2014

I want to be a trail angel when I grow up!

I am so excited! We are in Vermont at a hotel and tomorrow is trail day! And not just any hotel but the same hotel where last year the hotel manager offered to let us stay an extra free night and chauffeured us around town. And there's more! A trail angel who helped us out last year stopped by to say hi! It's really hitting me just how much I have missed the trail! I'm not just talking about all the free food, rides, places to stay (that was great but) I'm talking about a huge community of people who willingly help anyone who passes their way all the time. Think about that for a minute! Whenever someone came along who needed something that was within their power to give, they gave freely and repeatedly! It continuously amazed me last year and it amazes me still! Most of the trail angels (with a few exceptions) didn't have a lot to begin with but what they did have, they had to give. They met an immediate basic need at the time but what's left is something that's hard to put into words. It's almost like an intimate friendship, yet I'm sure I will never see most of those trail angels again. Yet there's a connection with them and I feel inspired to do as they did, and try to pass it forward any way I can. It reminds me of this :
"Whatsoever you do 
to the least of my brothers,
that you do unto me.
When I was hungry, you gave me to eat;
When I was thirsty, you gave me to drink.
Now enter into the home of my Father.
When I was homeless, you opened your door;
When I was naked, you gave me your coat.
Now enter into the home of my Father."
It's part of a song taken from verses in the Bible. It's amazing how much it sounds like a description of a trail angel. It makes me want to be a trail angel when I grow up!

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