Thursday, August 24, 2017

The biggest freshwater island in the world!

Melkie woke me up in the middle of the night wanting to go outside and then I couldn't get back to sleep for what seemed like hours. So for the second night in a row I have barely slept but the upside is this is the second night in a row that I have seen a billion stars! I can't believe how close we are to the falls! If I had known that last night I definitely would have gone exploring! I took the stairs down stopping several times to take pictures and then followed the trail along the water. It feels so good to be on a trail two days in a row! By the time I got back to the bus I had worked up a sweat (I ran up the stairs) and an appetite. I quickly had a bowl of cereal before we left to check out the town of Kagawong. I love the names here! The town has a really laid back feel to it. There was a farmers market going on but no one seemed in a rush. At the waterfront the old mill had been turned into a museum with an art gallery above. The old

Post office had been filled with household items from the early 1900's. It was really cool! We had originally parked up the road and brought the dogs with us but I sent Michael back to get the bus so that we could leave the dogs and explore inside. After Kagawong we headed to Gore Bay. Just before we got to the town saw a sign for a lookout point and followed the road up to an awesome little picnic area overlooking the bay. On the way up we saw a deer in someone's front yard and later while in town we saw two more deer right in town! While we were at the lookout, I made a big breakfast (it was probably already lunch time) and after driving through the town we headed to Providence Bay where we toured a small nature centre and walked the boardwalk along the beach. Somewhere along the way we spotted a whole bunch of vultures circling above a field and then noticed a huge bald eagle. It's unbelievable how big he was even compared to the vultures. We pulled over as quickly as we could and we did see him fly away but we couldn't get a picture. Next stop Michael's Bay. There was absolutely nothing there but Michael wanted to go (I wonder why). After the detour to Michaels Bay we continued on to South Baymouth where the Chicheemaun (a giant ferry what travels between here and Tobermory) was in port loading up. There was an vintage car show at the waterfront complete with a band playing music from the same era. Michael was happy! I stayed on the bus and made dinner while Michael toured the car show. Later we walked through the car show to get to the park and Lighthouse. We found a blue heron and I finally managed to get a good picture with the help of the dogs. We didn't leave town until almost dark and in retrospect we should have just spent the night. We ended up driving in the dark and just pulling into a tourist information place just outside of Manitowaning. Good night World!

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