Friday, October 6, 2017

A new province....tomorrow!

This morning Melkie seemed a little bit better! Our first stop was Kekabeka Falls. It was gorgeous and would have been the perfect place to spend a few hours except we were still worried about Melkie and only went to see the Falls one at a time so that someone could stay with him. He did manage a short walk on the grass and was barking at other dogs like he was in charge but he still isn't back to normal. We drove for hours though amazing scenery but because I was driving I didn't get any good pictures. I'm starting to regret offerings to drive the whole way, my butt is sore from sitting still and my hands are sore from gripping the steering wheel. On the bright side we are almost half way there! We crossed into a new time zone today and there was a rest area with a marker, Michael was excited to get an hour younger instantly and wanted to go back and forth watching his cell phone change time. Kenora and Lake of the Woods was gorgeous! I would love to come back and explore the area in the future. There were hundreds of tiny islands in the lakes making it look like a great place to kayak. The sun was setting as I drove away from Kenora. I managed to make it to the last Ontario test stop, the Manitoba border is 2km away! I'm excited for a new province but at the same time realize that there is still so much more to see in Ontario. I would love to go to Hudson Bay one day but for now I am calling it a night (even though it's not even 9pm yet). Good night World!

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