Friday, February 1, 2019

Clutter Intervention

Recently a friend of mine decided to host a "Clutter Intervention." The idea is to eliminate an item everyday for forty days (she is calling it 40 for 40). In forty days the group will get together each bringing their pile of items. There will be an opportunity to pick through everyone else's pile before the items are donated to Wendat.

I thought this was a great idea but then realized that I have downsized so much over the years that I don't think I have forty extra items on the bus. So I put the idea out of my head thinking I had no clutter left. But over the next couple of days I found myself assessing each item I had and asking myself if I really needed it. I was also looking at my overhead cupboards realizing how rarely I open some of them. Surely there are items behind those doors that I am not using.

With that thought I decided to go through the bus over the next few days and see what I could find. I was shocked at how much I found in this tiny eighty square foot bus that I really don't need or even use! I started looking in the overhead cupboard that I open the least and found nineteen clothing items just in that one area!

I started to get excited thinking this was going to be easy! As I sorted though the rest of my "stuff spaces" I found a few more items and managed to collect thirty two things just from our living space (not the storage space under the bed)!

40 for 40 turned into a one day event as I am sure I can come up with at least eight items that I am not using in the storage area under the bed. I honestly didn't think I would be able to participate in this and if I can find this much extra in my tiny short bus I bet you could look around and host your own clutter intervention.

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